
join our team

The Arete Center, founded in 2018, is a rapidly expanding, comprehensive, outpatient behavioral health group. We are located in northern Centennial and serve children, adolescents, adults, and families across the greater Denver metro area. Psychology and psychiatry services are available under the same roof with a team-based and highly collaborative approach to care. Our multidisciplinary setting allows for unique training opportunities, including consultation, teaching, and mentoring by members of our team.

The Postdoctoral training program at The Arete Center

Postdoctoral Psychology Training Program at The Arete Center is currently recruiting for two full-time positions: 

There may be additional and immediate opportunities for postdoctoral psychology candidates interested in gaining supervised hours at The Arete Center on a less formal and/or part-time basis. Please inquire for more information.

Why Join The Arete Center?